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Agenor Partners with Borders College to deliver a major Digital Transformation Programme

Check out this case study from Agenor on their work with Borders College to help them on their Digital Transformation journey.

Customer Context

Borders College offers a wide range of academic and industry-based training courses to students and businesses throughout Scotland and has a Strategic Ambition that states: “我们将继续成为雇主首选的学习和培训机构, 学生及教职员. 我们将提供创新, 改变人生的学习机会,让我们的学生成为世界公民.”

Agenor Technology was requested by Borders College to deliver a Digital Transformation Programme (DTP) encompassing Technology and Business change; to implement cost-effective changes which would provide immediate benefit, 但这也将为未来几年进一步的数字化转型奠定基础.

The Problem

The requirement for the College to mobilise the Transformation Programme was driven by the Vision of the Borders College Executives who recognised that their Digital Estate did not support the College’s 5-year Strategic Ambition. Agenor’s initial Discovery activities supported this view and highlighted a number of key issues across the business, as follows:

  • 数字系统和平台与数字战略不一致
  • 系统不连接,而且很笨重, and therefore not providing the College with the level and quality of information required
  • Data Quality was inadequate with missing controls and standards resulting in multiple sources of the same/similar data existing for student records
  • User Experience issues were reported; both staff and students expressed concerns around poor quality, 功能和对系统的访问
  • Leadership and Business Ownership was lacking across the stakeholder community in terms of driving a strategic change agenda
  • Stakeholder Feedback reported a consistent dislike of the existing digital systems; although there was an appetite for change, 要遵循的数字化变革过程并不明确
  • IT运营焦点需要在备份等主要领域进行改进, 系统集成, Security Policy, 数据中心管理和项目/服务管理学科.

The Goal


  • Information Technology: Migrate the existing on-premise infrastructure to a Tier 3 Data Centre
  • 从核心网升级广域网
  • Management Information Systems (MIS): Migrate from the legacy application to a cloud hosted SaaS based solution delivering ease of access to core student information and deliver dashboard reporting across all levels of the business
  • Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): Migrate from legacy open-source application to a cloud hosted SaaS based solution delivering a better staff and student UX across the learner journey life cycle
  • 网站:发布一个符合无障碍标准的新网站, 与新的MIS系统集成,并支持在线支付处理
  • Payments Gateway: Integrating a payment solution to support the Student Enrolment Process using the new college website.

The Challenge

Agenor provided the DTP Leadership to deliver a structured methodology to demonstrate strong Programme Governance. 与整个学院的主要利益相关者进行接触, along with Technology Suppliers was critical to ensure delivery of the Digital solutions. 挑战是:

  • 员工敬业度:关键业务领域不同,尤其是课程团队
  • Development Resource: A single point of failure existed in the ISLT Department to support key system changes
  • Staff Holidays: Taken at critical times, impacting resource availability across the DTP
  • Payments Solution: Operational and commercial readiness was a key risk to the go live date
  • 变更冻结:正在进行的非必要变更影响了DTP可交付成果

The Result

The DTP was a significant success; all critical requirements were met and quality Digital Solutions were provided for all of the Programme Workstreams.

  • Successful Implementation: All DTP workstreams were implemented successfully to plan without impact to staff or students
  • 业务利益:执行团队恢复了对IT运营服务的信心
  • 处理的主要风险:老化和不支持系统的操作风险
  • Infrastructure: WAN connectivity and Platform Storage outsourced to Managed Service Provider delivering service stability and resilience
  • MIS:为提供新的MIS应用而实现的SaaS解决方案
  • VLE: SaaS解决方案,用于提供新的VLE应用程序
  • 学院网站:通过SaaS解决方案实现全面重新设计
  • Payments Gateway: SaaS solution implemented to provide new online payments application
  • Office 365: Agenor为员工提供定制的支持课程
  • 组织变革:引入企业所有者角色, 过程改进, 和数字技能提升,以支持课程交付
  • Overall: the DTP performed very well; it delivered all the specified objectives to time and scope
  • Agenor和Borders学院合作良好,取得了高质量的成果
  • The Programme governance approach worked well; an agile/flexible approach undertaken in light of the drive for rapid infrastructure and applications systems change
  • The DTP laid solid foundations for digital growth across future years; it has delivered a new “digital heartbeat” for the College


The engagement of Agenor Technology by Borders College provided a focus that was not available in previous years to drive forward the DTP. The formation of a formal project team was a huge success with all Workstream Leads working in collaboration across all the digital change projects.

  • 33台服务器迁移到云端
  • 博天堂入口第一所采用精选SaaS MIS应用的大学
  • 83门课程迁移到新的VLE环境
  • 交付了70个Microsoft 365支持会话

“This has been an extraordinary transformation programme conducted under extraordinary conditions, 在全球大流行期间. Excellent team working and collaboration has been critical and with Agenor providing the strategic leadership for our digital transformation we’ve achieved our desired outcomes on time and on budget. 我真的相信你已经取得了不可思议的成就.——哈泽尔·罗伯逊,博德斯学院副校长

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