

12小君7:00 pm7:45 pmCombating Financially Motivated Sexual Extortion


As you may be aware, the financially motivated sexual extortion of young people has increased exponentially in recent months. A few weeks ago the NCA put out an alert to all UK schools, with a letter to parents, to inform them of the increased risks.
CyberSafe Scotland invite you to join us for a supportive and vitally important 现场网络研讨会 to increase your understanding of financially motivated sexual extortion, and help you to respond positively to support your child or the young people you work with.
We are immensely privileged to be joined by:
  • Ros Dowey, campaigner and mother of Murray – who tragically took his own life after being targeted by criminals
  • 保罗Raffile, globally renowned expert in Sexual Extortion, Network Contagion Research Institute and Harvard University
who will speak with Annabel Turner, Director of CyberSafe Scotland.
This webinar will not only increase your understanding of the issue, but also provide an important opportunity for you to hear directly from the experts on how to help to protect children and young people.
During the webinar you will:
  • hear first hand about how the attacks happen,
  • the current patterns that are facilitating these attacks,
  • what the apps should be doing to prevent them,
  • what you can do to support your own family,
  • how to tackle powerful and important conversations with your children, and
  • have the opportunity to ask questions with our experts


Book your place via the ‘了解更多’ link below.


(Wednesday) 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm BST



