



Borders学院为博天堂入口各地的学生和企业提供广泛的学术和行业培训课程,并制定了以下战略目标: “we will continue to be the learning and training provider of choice for employers, students and our staff. We will provide innovative, life-changing learning opportunities that prepare our students for global citizenship.”

Agenor Technology was requested by Borders College to deliver a Digital Transformation Programme (DTP) encompassing Technology and Business change; to implement cost-effective changes which would provide immediate benefit, but which would also set the scene for further Digital Transformation in future years.


学院动员转型计划的要求是由边界学院高管的愿景驱动的,他们认识到他们的数字资产不支持学院的5年战略目标. Agenor最初的Discovery活动支持这一观点,并突出了整个业务中的一些关键问题, 如下:

  • Digital systems and platforms were not aligned to digital strategy
  • Systems were disconnected and clunky, 因此没有向学院提供所需信息的水平和质量
  • 数据质量不足,缺乏控制和标准,导致学生记录存在多个相同/类似数据来源
  • User Experience issues were reported; both staff and students expressed concerns around poor quality, functionality and access to systems
  • 在推动战略变革议程方面,整个利益相关者社区缺乏领导力和业务所有权
  • Stakeholder Feedback reported a consistent dislike of the existing digital systems; although there was an appetite for change, the Digital Change Process to follow was not clear
  • IT Operational Focus required improvements in major areas such as Backups, System Integrations, 安全策略, Data Centre Management and Project/Service Management disciplines.


Primary Outcomes defined at the start of the Programme were 如下:

  • 信息技术:将现有的本地基础设施迁移到第3层数据中心
  • and upgrade the WAN from the core network
  • 管理信息系统(MIS):从遗留应用程序迁移到基于云托管的SaaS解决方案,提供对核心学生信息的轻松访问,并跨所有业务级别提供仪表板报告
  • 虚拟学习环境(VLE):从传统的开源应用程序迁移到基于云托管的SaaS解决方案,在整个学习者旅程生命周期中提供更好的员工和学生用户体验
  • Website: Publish a new website meeting accessibility standards, integrated with the new MIS system and supporting online payment processing
  • 支付网关:集成支付解决方案,以支持使用新学院网站的学生注册过程.


Agenor提供了DTP领导,以提供结构化的方法来展示强大的计划治理. Engagement with key stakeholders across the College, 与技术供应商合作是确保数字化解决方案交付的关键. The challenges were:

  • 员工敬业度:关键业务领域不同,尤其是课程团队
  • 开发资源:在支持关键系统更改的ISLT部门中存在单点故障
  • 员工假期:在关键时刻休假,影响整个DTP的资源可用性
  • 支付解决方案:操作和商业准备是上线日期的关键风险
  • Change Freeze: Non-essential changes being made impacted the DTP deliverables


The DTP was a significant success; all critical requirements were met and quality Digital Solutions were provided for all of the Programme Workstreams.

  • 成功实施:所有DTP工作流程都成功实施,没有对员工或学生造成影响
  • Business Benefit: Executive Team confidence restored around IT Operational Services
  • Major Risks Addressed: Operational risk of aged and non-supported systems
  • 基础设施:广域网连接和平台存储外包给托管服务提供商,提供服务稳定性和弹性
  • MIS: SaaS solution implemented to provide new MIS application
  • VLE: SaaS solution implemented to provide new VLE application
  • College Website: Total redesign via a SaaS solution implemented
  • Payments Gateway: SaaS solution implemented to provide new online payments application
  • Office 365: Agenor delivered customised support sessions to staff members
  • Organisational change: Introduction of Business Owner role, Process Improvement, and Digital 技能 uplift to support curriculum delivery
  • Overall: the DTP performed very well; it delivered all the specified objectives to time and scope
  • Agenor and Borders College worked well together to deliver a high-quality outcome
  • The Programme governance approach worked well; an agile/flexible approach undertaken in light of the drive for rapid infrastructure and applications systems change
  • The DTP laid solid foundations for digital growth across future years; it has delivered a new “digital heartbeat” for the College

Our customer experienced…

博德斯学院与Agenor Technology的合作为推动DTP提供了往年没有的重点. 正式的项目团队的形成取得了巨大的成功,所有的工作流领导在所有的数字变化项目中协同工作.

  • 33 servers migrated to the cloud
  • 1st college in Scotland to adopt selected SaaS MIS applications
  • 83 courses migrated to the new VLE environment
  • 70 Microsoft 365 support sessions delivered

“这是一项在非常条件下进行的非常转型计划, during a Global Pandemic. 优秀的团队合作和协作至关重要,在Agenor为我们的数字化转型提供战略领导的情况下,我们按时按预算实现了预期的成果. I truly believe you have achieved something quite incredible.” – Hazel Robertson, Vice Principal, Borders College
