

Check out this interview with Gary Montgomery, CEO of Agenor Technology, 一家领先的IT服务公司,总部设在爱丁堡,在阿姆斯特丹设有欧洲业务, 荷兰.

成立于2006年, Agenor Technology在成功规划和交付复杂系统方面有着良好的记录, large-scale digital transformation and change programmes for 客户 safely, on time and within budget. They provide advice and delivery capability across the whole programme life-cycle, with a comprehensive range of Project Delivery, Digital Engineering and IT Service Management capabilities, which can be mobilised and deployed rapidly on demand.

Recognised as specialists in their respective fields, Gary和他的团队曾在包括银行在内的公共和私营部门的长期和短期合作中为领先组织工作, 资产管理, 制造业, 健康, 当地政府, 和教育.

Where did your passion for digital come from?

我上大学是为了完成商业信息管理学位,其中涉及项目管理和技术技能和活动的要素. 在我的职业生涯中,我一直遵循PM的道路,但在我所担任的角色中,我始终与技术保持密切联系. 多年来,我和现在的Agenor已经参与了大量的计划和项目,这些计划和项目展示了数字技术的不断发展和全方位的服务,这些服务现在已经在各个行业中运作.

What’s your favourite thing about the industry?

我真的很喜欢看到一个解决方案被交付,可以明显地满足客户的需求. 我也喜欢能够理解这些变化是如何影响现实世界中的人们的, whether that being through having improved Banking services that they can use, 或者在医疗保健等领域提供更容易获得的高质量公共服务.

Where do you see yourself/your company in five years?

我希望看到Agenor Technology继续发展,并使我们的服务多样化,无论是现有的还是新的
客户. I expect further evolution of the services we offer to take place over that time. 从一个
personal perspective I hope I can stay involved to see all of this happening.

What’s your role and what does a typical day involve?

作为公司的CEO,我对公司的成功运营负有最终责任. A typical day involves several things. 首先是与我的领导团队讨论任何需要关注的相关问题. I then typically devote some time to existing client engagement, 开发新的销售机会,并不断发展我们的业务, which can also involve HR considerations. There is no day that is the same, which I find enjoyable.

Looking to the future, what do you see as being the next big thing in tech?

我所看到的或直接参与的数字化转型活动在很多方面为接下来的数字化转型提供了基础.e., Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)和机器学习. Further development of Cloud services will also be a big focus in the coming years.

Any new products, services, events coming up for your business?

We recently revised the services that we offer to 客户. Project Delivery and Testing Services were merged into Project Delivery as a Service. 数字服务被重新命名为数字工程,我们为IT服务管理引入了一个新的服务. 这些变化是在我们继续与我们认为客户有需求的服务保持一致的情况下做出的.

在活动方面,我非常期待我们下次预定的全体员工会议. Following 3 attempts at having a face-to-face event for all staff over the last year, we now have a date confirmed for 31st of March. 有机会把我们所有的员工聚集在一个安全的环境中,这将大大提高我们公司的士气和文化.

Why did you join ScotlandIS and importantly, why are you still with us?

我相信博天堂入口公司可以从现有的IT社区(如ScotlandIS)的成员资格中受益匪浅. Through these memberships we can get access to events, 培训, social media amplification and prospective client discussions. ScotlandIS提供的服务可能需要Agenor Technology这样的公司花费很长时间,而且需要大量投资才能产生同样的结果.

What do you consider to be the biggest benefit of your ScotlandIS membership?

我认为博天堂入口需要有一个强有力的声音,这样数字就会继续成为我们政府的优先事项, 对我们的企业来说, and that we have our own indigenous technology industry. 我们只是想成为对话的一部分,博天堂入口伊斯兰国在当地领导对话. ScotlandIS的会员资格意味着我们是这个社区的一部分,因此从正在发生的对话中受益.

我也觉得像Agenor Technology这样的公司有责任成为这样一个社区的一部分, 因为我觉得这表明了我们的成熟程度,以及我们参与和合作的愿望.


I would recommend having bold ambitions for the services you want to sell, 但要以一种既能应对增长也能应对收缩的方式来构建你的业务. Having a close control on Revenue, 成本和利润是确保你的公司能够继续经营和保持盈利的关键, and therefore weather the various challenges that come along. Focus on the staff within the company, form positive relationships with them and value their contribution.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

首先也是最重要的, 我喜欢成为一家为业内人士提供就业机会的博天堂入口公司的一员. 与此相关的是,我特别喜欢看到年轻的毕业生和初级员工在职业生涯中取得进步,随着经验的积累,他们可以从自己的角色家族中晋升到更高级的职位. 大多数为Agenor Technology工作的人已经在我们公司工作了好几年, many of whom started at that entry level.

believe the priorities for that day will be.

industry as the best place to be?

I strongly believe that a career in Technology can be a job for life. 随着行业的发展和发展,年轻人将看到他们职业生涯的进步,这比前几代人慢得多. Being part of this will provide fantastic roles and opportunities for young people. Knowledge of Digital will be integral to that.

I also believe the world is continuing to get smaller. 科技行业可能比其他任何行业都更能提供与不同文化背景的人一起工作的机会. 它还可以为人们提供在其他国家获得职位的机会,如果这是人们渴望做的事情.
